Fen Drayton Primary School

SATs results

Due to the pandemic there is no official data for 2020 or 2021. Whilst there were SATs in 2022, data did not have to be published due to it being the first set of results since the pandemic. 


At Fen Drayton, we have small numbers of children in each year group, therefore our results don't always tell the full picture. On our data, each child is equivalent to around 6-7%. We are an inclusive school that prides itself on supporting the individual to meet their full potential. 


Results- Summer 2023


Y1 Phonics 2024

76% (13 out of 17) children passed the phonics screening. 

National data- 80%


KS2 SATs 2024

In this cohort of 15 children, 6 have SEND (40%) compared to 20% Nationally

Reading- 67% at expected standard or above. National data- 74%

Writing- 40% at expected standard or above. National data- 67%

Maths- 47% at expected standard or above. National data- 71%


Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England - GOV.UK